For websites requiring an email to register you can use the application which provides you with a email address that is only valid for 10 minutes. After this time the mailbox is destroyed. This avoids that you receive spam from the website you are registering to. Here is how it works:
1. Go to An email address is generated. Below the email you can see the mailbox.
2. Copy the email address and use as you want. You can send an email to this address to test it - that’s what I did :)
3. Incoming emails are automatically uploaded to the mailbox. Click on the email subject to view it, reply or forward the email.
3. The page is refreshed automatically. The time till expiry is shown. If you need more time click on the link « 10 more minutes ». The counter will be set to 10 minutes again.
4. After expiration you will see the message "Your e-mail address has self-destructed."